How Simias Came into Existence
Our first experience with the Bengal breed was Simba. He was a beautiful Snow Spotted Lynx Point. We had him for many years before he passed on. We were all heartbroken. We knew our next cat had to be another Bengal. My 18 year old daughter began a quest to find the right kitten to become our new family member and proposed we breed Bengals together.......How could I refuse?
Enter Mia, (a Brown Marble Tabby) stage left. So small, spunky and playful! And with such a beautiful coat! She quickly became the love of our lives. Her markings are very striking and, as the breeder told us, show quality. She thrived in our home and has claimed it for her own.

With the help and support of two wonderful ladies, Mia successfully bred in the comfort of her own home. Mia's first babies were born July 28, 2005.